10 Ways to Burn More Calories!
September 4, 2013 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.
4 minutes
We are all looking for simple and effective ways of burning more calories every day. When in a weight loss process, or even simply to be active, we have to multiply the occasions to be doing so throughout the day. Here are some ideas to help you increase your energy expenditure (two big words that only mean “burning more calories” when put together!). Some of them might surprise you!
- Get yourself a pedometer! As simple as it may sound, wearing a pedometer does not only count your steps, but it also motivates you to get up and walk more! When you walk more, you improve your daily level of physical activity, which in turn increases the total amount of calories you burn!
- Do not skip workouts at the gym! In addition to the calories burned during the effort, your body keeps burning calories once the workout is over. You need an intense session in order for this process to happen and last as long as possible!
- Clean up after yourself! Instead of being frustrated about the cleaning up that needs to be done around the house, try to pick up some stuff, put it back where it belongs, and put a little bit of order at a time in each room. Each 10 minutes of “cleaning up” burns close to 100 calories (this calculation is based on a 140 pounds woman performing light house chores).
- Get up, stand up! The simple act of standing up rather than sitting down increases energy expenditure. So try to find more opportunities to stand up: every time you talk on the phone, during office meetings, by walking to go see your co-workers, etc.
- Cook to burn more! Preparing a healthy recipe (do I really need to say it) makes you burn many calories. So instead of going to sit at the restaurant, cook your own meal… both your figure and wallet will thank you!
- Be active for one minute every hour! By stretching, lifting your knees while standing in place, or taking a 1-minute walk every hour of the day, you take a mental break from your work so that you can come back feeling refreshed in addition to burning more calories!
- Use the hand-held basket! Instead of pushing a cart at the grocery store, take a basket (if your shopping list is not too large, of course) do to your shopping. Holding the weight of your purchases while shopping makes you spend more energy!
- Move while they move! You have to bring your children to their soccer, tennis, or hockey practice? Take advantage of this time to go take a walk or a run, or even to perform squats, lunges, or push-ups. A few extras that will count on the scale!
- Work out at home! Put on a short and effective fitness DVD (such as those from Karine Larose’s collection “30 minutes par jour pour Vivre Plus”), and burn a lot of calories in your pajamas!
- Change your routine! Instead of repeating the same busy schedule every night: preparing supper, doing homework with your children, bathing the kids, brushing their teeth, preparing lunches, etc., give yourself the objective of doing a family activity one night a week, such as a bike ride to the park, rollerblading, discovering new paths on a mountain (Mount St-Bruno, Mount Royal, etc.). In addition to the calories you’ll burn, you will get some fresh air while spending quality time with your family!
And you, how do you burn more calories on a daily basis?
By Karine Larose
10 Ways to Burn More Calories! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2013
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