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2 ingredients: strawberry & coconut ice cream

July 2, 2019 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

Strawberry season is here! Don’t know what to do with your leftover strawberries? This healthy 2 ingredient coconut & strawberry ice cream is the perfect solution!

There are many places in Québec where you get to pick your strawberries. It’s the perfect family activity, and you leave with so many fresh strawberries.

cueillette fraise

Strawberries can be kept in the fridge for 2-3 days. To enjoy their full taste, bring them out of the fridge 1h before eating them. Estimate how many strawberries your family will truly eat and freeze the rest to avoid food spoilage. There is a certain method to freeze here you strawberries, check it out here.

Portion: 2

Preparation: 10 minutes



500 ml (2 cups) strawberries, frozen

75 ml (1/3 cup) coconut cream, unsweetened (I found mine in the bio section of a grocery store)



  1. Add the ingredients in a food processor and mix
  2. Depending on the strength of your food processor, mix the ice cream with a spatula every 10 seconds to make sure all ingredients get properly blended. Continue until you attain an ice cream texture (2-5 minutes)


Nutritive values per portion: 116 calories, 7 g fat, 13 g carb, 3 g fiber, 2 g protein


For more ideas, check out:

Homemade ice cream alternatives

Homemade peanut butter, banana and chocolate ice cream

2 ingredients: strawberry & coconut ice cream is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2019

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