HYROX race: a global fitness trend!

Do you like dancing? Are you a fan of running? Do you want a high intensity workout? Or do you prefer the zen side of yoga practice? That’s great, because I created 4 new DVDs to suit your tastes! Every year, for almost 10 years, it’s pure happiness for me to create new workouts always in the format “30 minutes par jour pour Vivre Plus ” (30 minutes’a day to live better). This year is no exception! Let me introduce each of these 4 new DVDs but before, a brief overview of my creative process for these training!
My inspiration for developing these new routines comes from various sources. First, you need to know how much your comments, suggestions and ideas drive me to want to innovate and offer you more. Thank you!
The readings that I do, the conferences and congresses I attend inspire me immensely. I try to keep up to date on recent research findings on training and its effects on health. I also keep an eye open on new bloggers (on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and cie), new fitness gadgets, etc. (By the way, this exercise allows me to see that there are tons of things that are written and “created” on the training, which confirms that we must be vigilant to discern the true from the false!) I am also on the lookout for your suggestions and ideas. The compilation of all this should allow me to respond to my primary mission in the creation of DVDs: to offer you a variety of quality content in order to help you achieve your fitness goals in the comfort of your home !
Once the concepts and type of content are chosen, I begin the creative process: I make sure my program is balanced and I develop the more intense and the less intense options for each exercises. This process is endless or should I say, almost stops the day of filming. LOL! Several people around me will confirm, I am constantly looking to improve the content, exercises, sequences, etc. I want everything to be … perfect!
The choice of music is also part of the creative process. My friend and colleague, the talented Nicolas Major, composes my music, and this, since my first DVDs in 2007. I submit songs I like, which inspire him to create new original musical pieces. I specify the tempos to respect according to the content of each DVD. Once the music suits me, I’m inspired, especially to create my dance moves.
Then come the auditions to choose those who will accompany me during the shooting to perform and demonstrate the different exercises. In each of my DVDs, I choose employees from Nautilus Plus. This year too and I take this opportunity to sincerely thank them for their great work:
• Cynthia Appleby, personal trainer at Dollard-des-Ormeaux, who participated in the Dance Fit and Yogaflex DVDs.
• Julie Brousseau, nutritionist at Châteauguay, who participated in the Tonification DVD.
• Jessica Brodeur, group class instructor at Brossard, who participated in the Toning and Tabata DVDs.
• Mireille Gariépy, group class instructor at Laval, who participated in the Danse Fit and Yogaflex DVDs.
• Valérie Tétreault, personal trainer at Dollard-des-Ormeaux, who participated in the Tabata DVD.
Finally, practice, practice and practice again. On shooting day, I want everyone to be very comfortable with all exercises and sequences so that the only stress is the camera factor! 😉 For years, DAVAI production team has produced my DVDs. Againt his year, the filming lasted two full days. We put about ½ day of shooting per 30 minute workout. Which means that we must unfortunately sometimes resume some sequences, again and again … that’s why we need to be at the top of our game! Once the shooting is over, there is editing and mixing with the music so that everything fits perfectly. In parallel, there is the photo shoot. Then the visuals for the covers are created and the discs fabrication process starts.
After 9 months of work, here are the 4 new trainings* that I prepared for you this year, just in time for the holidays: TABATA, TONIFICATION, YOGAFLEX and DANCE FIT. The descriptions for each of them here below. I hope they will please you!
*Please note that these DVDs are available only in French.
This training invites you to push your limits and get amazing results! The TABATA high intensity training method has been proven to be efficient in burning a large number of calories in a short period of time, it also offers optimal cardiovascular benefits. In addition to a warm-up and a cool down, this training contains 5 TABATA of 4 minutes each. The concept? 20 seconds of high intensity effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest. This cycle is repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. During each TABATA, a variety of exercises are performed. No dumbbells required. It is a total body weight training. The movements are simple to follow but intense. Different versions of intensity are however proposed and a no jump option is presented for all exercises.
Make your run more efficient, reduce your chances of injury and improve your range of motion and endurance. Here is what I propose in this workout that combines toning and stretching: a total body toning training and a stretching 10 minute bonus to relieve tight muscles. It is an ideal complement to running but can be used as such to tone and stretch your body. Different intensity options are presented. Necessary accessories: free weights and mat.
With Yogaflex, I offer you a zen session that combines flexibility and strength. Discover the many benefits of practicing yoga with this 30-minute workout. The sequence of poses promotes stretching tense muscles as well as strengthening weaker muscles. Let yourself be guided by my directions and enjoy the moment to free your mind. You can modify the poses according to your level of flexibility and strength by following the option that suits you best. This session can be done several times a week and fits very well into any training program. * A 5 minute relaxation segment ends the session.
After the success of the TopFit Set, I now present a new DANCE FIT workout using the same winning concept: dance sequences combined with abdominal strengthening sequences. In this dynamic workout, you will develop your cardiovascular capacity, burn a lot of calories and tone your abs. Transport yourself in a nightclub atmosphere with dance segments where the movements and sequences are simple to follow. Then focus on the ultra effective abdominal exercises to tone and refine your waist. A no jump version is proposed and a less intense option of abdominal exercises is also presented.
All 4 DVDs are now on sale in libraries, department stores, at Nautilus Plus and at the Nautilius Plus online store. Hope you enjoy getting in shape with these new DVDs!
4 new DVDs by Karine Larose is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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