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5 Tips for Healthy Eating!

May 30, 2012 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 2 minutes


A healthy diet can help prevent illness, improve your performance in daily activities (including your workouts) and maintain good health. Read these few tips to help you stay on the right track when it comes to your nutrition.

1. Eat nutrient-rich foods : although a calorie will always remain a calorie, if you had to choose between eating 100 calories of lettuce or 100 calories of fried potatoes, the two are quite different. So, you should be mindful of your choices : fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish are all wise choices depending, of course, on how they are prepared and the sauces you add.

2. Portion control : in order to lose weight, you must increase your energy output while decreasing your energy input. Beware of restaurant portions : as a rule, they are too big!

3. Go easy on the alcohol : you should opt for red wine and limit your consumption to one or two glasses per day. You should know that Health Canada and the Ministry of Health and Social Services suggest that a standard portion of wine is 5oz (150ml), whereas the Quebec Diabetes Association and other sources limit it to 4oz. (125ml).

4. Variety in your diet is key in avoiding nitritional deficiency. An active body needs no less than 44 nutrients every day to be considered healthy! Get into the habit of trying new flavours and avoid monotony in your diet.

5. Water, a source of life! If you are active, your body needs it more than ever. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, over and above the water consumed during and immediately following your workouts.

You will have to make wise food choices every day…often more than just three times a day. Opt for nutrient-rich foods as oppsed to less nutritional ones and you will soon discover that eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing taste or pleasure. Enjoy!

By Karine Larose

5 Tips for Healthy Eating! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2012

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