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6 good reasons to eat your veggies and fruits!

March 31, 2021 - By Véronique Plante

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Did you know that between 2003 and 2014, only 45% of Quebecers consumed the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day[1]? In 2019, the picture was almost the same with a meager 49%[2]. Why is this so when these are key nutritional elements in the prevention and treatment of many health problems such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, type II diabetes and certain types of cancer?

Veggies and fruits : a plus for your physical and mental health!

Despite the fact that research has allowed us to identify dozens of barriers that can limit the consumption of these products, one reality often surfaces in nutritional counseling. Many of my clients see eating fruits and vegetables as a chore, not a necessity.  What if you looked at these foods as a strategy to optimize your body’s functioning? Here’s a fresh look at these foods that might inspire you to make them a part of your daily menu:

1. Increased energy level 

Rich in vitamins and minerals, these colorful foods will help you maintain your energy level so you can be more efficient throughout the day. With the hectic lifestyle we lead, an energy boost can be more than welcome!

2. Improve digestive and intestinal health

If you suffer from reflux, bloating, constipation or any other gastrointestinal disorder, these fiber-rich foods are great allies for a healthier digestive tract.

3. Manage sugar cravings

Another benefit of plant fiber is that it can limit large variations in blood sugar levels, which can be very helpful if you are a “sugar addict”.

4. Increase your eating pleasure

What better way to make your mouth water than with a beautiful, well-balanced and colorful plate? After all, we eat with our eyes!

5. Set an example

We want the best for our children, and healthy eating is no exception. Why not become a role model for your children by incorporating fruits and vegetables? It’s easier to develop a healthy eating routine in early childhood than as an adult!

6. Improve mental health[3]

Several emerging studies have shown a link between sufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables and a decreased risk of suffering from depression. This is because the brain needs several key nutrients found in these plants in order to produce “happiness” neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin.

In short, beyond the nutritional aspect of fruits and vegetables, these plants clearly have functional properties to make your daily life better! Need advice on how to incorporate them more easily into your diet? Talk to a Nautilus Plus nutritionist (virtual consultation…), they will be happy to help you!



[1] https://www.msss.gouv.qc.ca/professionnels/statistiques-donnees-sante-bien-etre/statistiques-de-sante-et-de-bien-etre-selon-le-sexe-volet-national/consommation-de-fruits-et-de-legumes/

[2] https://www.inspq.qc.ca/publications/2616

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7019743/#:~:text=The%20most%20prominent%20results%20indicated,distress%2C%20ambiguity%2C%20and%20cancer%20fatalism

6 good reasons to eat your veggies and fruits! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2021

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