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No more excuses!

March 12, 2015 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Consistency is the key to attain your desired weight loss. Obstacles will always be in your way and it will never be the right time to lose weight. I’m going to address the most popular excuses that keep you from reaching your weight loss goal.

I don’t have time to prepare food

Eating out for lunch or ordering-in will easily take 20 minutes out of your busy schedule. There are tons of quick recipes you can prepare at home that take less of your time. For example:

  • Pasta with ground turkey and tomato sauce: 15 minutes and at least 4 meals.
  • Wrap with lean turkey, hummus and tomatoes: 5 minutes.

For more ideas, see how to optimize time in the kitchen.

Not only will you save time, but also a lot of money. A $10 lunch, 5 days a week, adds up to $200 a month. That is more than enough to pay for your gym membership and even for a trainer and a nutritionist.

Eating healthy is too expensive

While some healthy items can be expensive, others, such as chickpeas, more than compensate for it. Plan your meals around seasonal fruits and vegetables and pricier items such as meat and fish when they are on sale. Stock up on food that can be preserved for a long time when it’s on sale. At the end of the day, it’s all about making the right choices at the right time.

See eating healthy on a budget.

I’d rather sleep in than have breakfast

We’re all guilty of thinking this, but it needs to stop. In order to prevent sugary cravings at the end of the day, take 5 minutes to eat a balanced breakfast. It should include 1 of each of the following:

Grain product: toast, cereal, oatmeal
Protein: eggs, yogurt, milk

I recommend reading the article healthy breakfast on the go to make the healthier choice if you must eat out.

I forgot my lunch

I have yet to find a place that serves better meals than a home packed lunch. Your intake of calories, bad fats, and salt will all be high, while your intake of protein and fibre will be considerably lower. So prepare a lunch or pack supper leftovers in the morning so you don’t forget it in the fridge. Or, if you do not have time to cook, a quick, simple and healthy option is to simply keep on hand some Zero Diet frozen meals ! These are complete and healthy meals, which provide you with everything you need! Your body will thank you for it!

Are you guilty of using one of these excuses?

By: Alyssa Fontaine

No more excuses! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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