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Taking charge of your health!

April 9, 2015 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

My name is Andrea Shand, I am 32 years old, and a member of the Place Ville Marie Nautilus Plus centre.

I got a membership because I suffer from Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis, and I wanted to experiment with physical exercise and a healthy nutrition as a treatment for my condition. I recently gained a lot of weight because of my medication, and I would like to lose it, although initially it wasn’t my main motivation.

I started meeting with my nutritionist, Raysa Buyukbahar, and my personal trainer, Sophie Francoeur, in October 2014. Together, we developed personalized exercise and nutrition programs. Crohn’s disease is heavily influenced by nutrition and very restrictive, therefore Raysa had to work hard to find healthy foods that would also meet the criteria of a low-residue diet. She researched my condition, and always comes up with good suggestions. Sophie did the same thing, and knew which exercises could be detrimental to Crohn’s disease and my arthritis. During this period, symptoms from both diseases disappeared completely. I feel like I have a new life; I can get out of the house with my family (I have two young sons), I don’t feel sick every day as I used to, and I lost 20 pounds* on top of all this!

Since I became a Nautilus Plus member, I’ve always felt comfortable around the staff team. They obviously wanted to help me heal, and they provided me with support through this difficult time in my life. Now that I have taken charge of my health, my exercise programs have changed and are now aimed at maintaining my gains, and are focused on weight loss and cardiovascular health.

Thank you!

*Disclaimer: Please note that the results can vary from a person to another. Nautilus Plus is not responsible of the validity of the statements in this testimonial.

Taking charge of your health! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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