The Smith Machine: why make this strength training machine part of your workout routine?

It’s not just a question of looking good…besides having glutes that are rounder and firmer, the benefits of strengthening the largest muscle group in the human body are many. Strong glutes will contribute to a stronger back, better posture, improved athletic performance and better overall strength. It would be in your best interest to incorporate glute exercises into your daily workout routine.
For exercises to be effective, it is interesting to know how to properly target the desired muscle. The « mind-body » connection during the exercise can only be beneficial! By concentrating on the movement, you maximize your workout.
Here’s a simple trick : during a hip extension, the glutes are solicited! Some examples of hip extensions are : squats, lunges, deadlifts, step-ups, jumps, etc.
Although there are many, here are my personal Top 10 super effective exercises to strengthen your glutes. Different workout props are suggested. It’s up to you to choose which you prefer!
After properly warming up the muscles you’ll be targeting in your workout session, choose some of the exercises or go for broke and do all 10.
Aim for 3 series of 10 reps of each exercise. When they become too easy, pump up the entensity by increasing the weight, by using a tighter resistance band or by raising the height of the BOX.
To ensure the proper execution of these exercises, consult your kinesiologist at Nautilus Plus.
Have a great workout!
10 of the best exercises to tone your glutes is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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