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It’s apple picking season!

October 1, 2019 - By Maude Martinez

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Off to the orchard! Apple picking season is here. The apple needs no introduction and has earned its rightful place in our daily diet for several reasons :

Its versatility

Found in both sweet and savoury dishes, the apple is a staple in most Quebec homes. Traditionally found in crumbles and in pies, it has also found a place in muffins and cookies thanks in part to its unique aroma. When pureed, it it used as a healthy substitute for oil, fat or butter in many recipes. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the tips mentioned in this article about improving the nutrition value of desserts. In main dishes, it’s a great accompaniment for pork, venison and cheeses.

Despite its many virtues, you should choose the right one for the job :




Snacking, in salads, oven-baked and a winner in pies


All purpose, but especially great for snacking


Snacking and oven-baked

Granny Smith

Snacking and in pies


Snacking, in salads and pureed


Snacking, pureed and oven-baked

Paula Red

Snacking and in pies


All purpose, but especially great for snacking

Nutritional value

Like all fruit, apples contain dietary fiber as well as several important vitamins and minerals. The apple supplies a good dose of vitamin C, as well as potassium and the antioxidant quercetin. Suffice it to say that, although it is not a guarantee that « an apple a day keeps the doctor away », it certainly contributes to good health.

FYI : some of the nutrients are found in the peel and just under the peel of the fruit. When possible, the fruit should be consumed in its entirety (minus the core of course!).

Pureed or whole fruit?

Eating the fruit in its natural state is the healthiest option as all the dietary fiber and vitamins stay intact and no sugar is added. As a matter of fact, most apple sauce recipes call for peeling the apples (hence discarding some dietary fiber and minerals) and adding sugar.


Its origin

Choosing local produce helps support the local economy and benefits the environement. Besides, it’s great to spend an afternoon in an orchard with friends and family. This activity has both mental and physical qualities : walking around in nature and working those muscles when carrying bags filled with apples. Want to find new places to go apple picking? Visit La Ferme Genest in the Quebec City area or the Verger Trois Pommes in Rougemont!

ferme genest_pommes                                                                   verger trois pommes







References :

It’s apple picking season! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2019

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