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Julie Brousseau

Julie’s passion for health and the environment was clear at an early age. She discovered her passion for nutrition when she substituted ingredients to make healthy homemade muffins. Now a graduate of the University of Montreal and a nutritionist at Nautilus Plus since December 2016, Julie shares her knowledge and her passion for healthy cooking with her colleagues and clients alike, as well as through her own personal blog. In addition to using her flair and creativity in the kitchen, Julie expresses her artistic side through competitive contemporary dance. She is the first to say that staying fit and eating well should be a pleasure and not a chore! Julie Brousseau, Dt.P.

Posts by Julie Brousseau

Vegetarian, vegan, crudivore, flexitarian… what’s for dinner?

3 clever tips for your slow cooker

A Valentine’s Day gift idea for your significant other…other than a box of chocolates

Low-carb diets and their effects on your body

5 unique strategies for keeping your resolutions

Sushi restaurant chains : a healthy choice?

« Eat this not that » at Thai Express

Eating at Subway? Decisions, decisions, decisions!

A healthy meal at Tim Hortons…really?

The science of alcohol in 5 Qs & As

The complete guide to « bowl » meals

Artificial sweeteners : for or against?

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