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Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Karine Larose is a kinesiologist, Director of Marketing and Communications and Spokesperson for Nautilus Plus who specializes in fitness motivation. She authored The Guide to Healthier Living, penned the book 10-4 The Healthy Way to Lose 10 Pounds in 4 Weeks and released her third work called Zero Diet: Delicious and Healthy Recipes for Success, all by Les Éditions du TRÉCARRÉ. Karine has launched a series of exercise DVDs entitled 30 minutes par jour pour Vivre Plus and is featured on the ULTIME FIT online platform. Many TV shows and radio stations regularly request Karine’s point of view on physical exercise issues and points of interest.

Posts by Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Measure your muscular endurance

“Drop 10 Pounds by Summer” Exercise Program: Week 4

“Drop 10 Pounds by Summer” Exercise Program: Week 3

Drop 10 Pounds by Summer Exercise Program: Week 2

Drop 10 pounds by summer!

5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Sessions With Your Personal Trainer

It’s Never Too Late for Taking Charge!

8 Tips to Help You Get the Motivation to Train!

The Whole Truth About the Famous Six-pack

Three ways to rev up your metabolism

Staying Motivated Even When Working Out At Home

Are you at risk? Measure your waistline!

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