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The best training!

June 29, 2015 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Does this sound familiar? You get to the gym not really knowing which exercises to do, which machines to use, for how long, and with how much weight.

In short, did you choose those exercise you thought were the most effective when designing your training program? If so, read on, as you could be wasting precious time, and all your efforts may never produce maximum results!

“Which training is best, Karine?” I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been asked this question. The answer is actually quite simple: the best training is one that has been planned and structured so that, cumulatively, the effort you invest each time will enable you to reach specific goals.

In other words, each training session should be part of a more global plan that will take you to your ultimate goal. You have to keep in mind that developing certain physical qualities, in a specific order, will allow you to progress at the right pace and reach the results you seek injury-free. One of the many duties of the kinesiologist is, in fact, to succeed in creating the most effective training programs possible so that you reach your goal, no matter what it may be: take part in a 5 km event, lose 20 lb., complete a triathlon, or simply get back in shape after many years of inactivity due to a sedentary lifestyle. To perform the above role, the kinesiologist will measure your starting fitness level, evaluate the amount of time you can devote to exercise, assess your training experience, and enquire about the goals you would like to achieve. With this information on hand, he or she will be able to calculate various parameters for the exercises that will make up your program and determine the content of each of your training sessions.

In short, a well-planned training program will allow you to:

  • make the most of the time devoted to each training session;
  • finish your sessions with a sense of accomplishment (no doubt in your mind as to whether you could have done more), knowing you did the right exercises at the right intensity;
  • avoid worrying about whether or not you chose the most effective exercises for reaching your goals;
  • track your progress in order to stay motivated;
  • achieve the results you long for!

And why not get even more out of your training sessions by seeking the help of a nutritionist. An eating plan tailored to your level of physical activity will help you obtain results faster. The concerted efforts of a personal trainer and nutritionist will make sure you reach your goals fast and safely.

By Karine Larose

The best training! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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