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How to Choose a Healthy Bread?

May 31, 2016 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

Bread! Although often demonized by people who want to lose fat or maintain a healthy weight, it remains a very nutritive food if chosen wisely.

Are you one of those people who hesitate a long time in front of the bread display at the grocery before making a guess at the right choice? Does the packaging influence your choice? Do you pick your bread based on special offers, or do you simply buy the same bread every week?

Here’s a brief recap of the three criteria to consider when choosing sliced bread:

  • The main ingredient should be whole-wheat, integral, stone-ground, or sprouted flour, as these types of flour retain nutrients (B complex vitamins, iron, antioxidants);
  • A minimum of 2 g of fibres per 30 g serving is required (usually the equivalent of one slice);
  • Aim for less than 138 mg of sodium per 30 g serving.

Strapped for time? Here are some suggestions of bread approved by nutritionists that your entire family will enjoy:

  • Ezekiel;
  • Bon Matin, 6 cereals;
  • Bon Matin, grand blé;
  • Bon Matin, flaxseed sandwich;
  • St-Méthode, 9 whole grains;
  • Compliment, 100% whole-wheat;
  • Country Harvest, oats and honey;
  • D’Italiano, 100% whole-wheat;
  • Gadoua Vitalité tendre blé;
  • Provigo 7 Grains;
  • no name sandwich bread, 100% whole-wheat;
  • Super C 100% whole-wheat.

The main benefit of choosing whole-grain products is their satiating effect that will sustain you much longer than grain products in which part of the grain was removed. You will be less tempted to snack between meals, as whole grains contain fibre that is digested slowly.



Marie-Eve Nadeau, P.Dt., Nutritionist for Zero Diet,

The Zero Diet brand is first and foremost the conviction that healthy eating is a primary factor to attaining a healthy weight and a balanced lifestyle. Thus, we offer nutrition counselling with nutritionists who are members of the OPDQ with our Zero Diet nutrition program in our centers and in companies. We have also developed a healthy frozen food product line that fulfills rigorous nutritional criteria as well as two healthy Zero Diet cookbooks.

Nos petits mangeurs. 2013. Comment choisir un pain tranché nourrissant? Online. www.nospetitsmangeurs.org/comment-choisir-un-pain-tranche-nourrissant/

How to Choose a Healthy Bread? is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2016

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