The Smith Machine: why make this strength training machine part of your workout routine?

September 24, 2012 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.
3 minutes
Keiser pneumatic resistance machines are extremely popular. They are user-friendly and allow you to develop good execution form and technique. Because these machines use air pressure, you don’t have to move any weights. By the simple press of a button, you can quickly increase or decrease the pressure (charge) and change the intensity of your exercises. It is a quick way to exercise your muscles.
Here is a complete program that includes all the main muscular groups (legs, biceps, triceps, pectorals, back, shoulders, and abs). Perform all the exercises one after another without pause, and aim for 1 set of 12 repetitions for each exercise. Try to complete the circuit 2 to 3 times with a 3 minute (or more) pause after each circuit.
Exercise 1: Front lunge
Target area: Legs
Accessories: Keiser machine
How many: Perform one set of 12 repetitions (each leg).
Execution: Position the front foot so that there is a 90° angle at the knee. Position the back foot so that, in the starting position, the knee is below the hip (A). Fully extend both legs without locking the knees (B). Return to the starting position without releasing the load. Avoid this exercise if you have back problems.
Exercise 2: Leg press
Target area: Legs
Accessories: Keiser machine
How many: Perform one set of 12 repetitions.
Execution: Adjust the seat so that, in the starting position, the knees are at an angle slightly greater than 90° (A). Perform full extension of the legs, without locking the knees (B). Return to the starting position with a 90° angle at the knees.
Exercise 3: Arm curl
Target area: Biceps
Accessories: Keiser machine
How many: Perform one set of 12 repetitions.
Execution: Adjust the seat and chest pad so that your elbows face the rotation axis of the machine (A). Flex the forearms until they are perpendicular to the floor and return the arms to a fully extended position without locking the elbows (B).
Exercise 4: Seated arm extension
Target area: Triceps
Accessories: Keiser machine
How many: Perform one set of 12 repetitions.
Execution: Adjust the seat so that the handles are under the arm pits. Grasp the handles (A) and fully extend the arms without locking the elbows (B). Return to the starting position without releasing the load.
Exercise 5: Seated butterfly
Target area: Chest
Accessories: Keiser machine
How many: Perform one set of 12 repetitions.
Execution: Adjust the seat so that the arms are parallel to the floor (A). By pushing with the forearms against the pad, bring the handles together in the center (B). Return to the starting position without releasing the load.
Exercise 6: Seated row (overhand grip)
Target area: Back
Accessories: Keiser machine
How many: Perform one set of 12 repetitions.
Execution: Adjust the seat so that your arms are parallel to the floor as you hold the handles. Adjust the chest pad so that the handles are slightly out of reach (fingertips). Grasp the handles with an overhand grip (A). Pull the elbows backwards keeping the forearms parallel to the floor. Squeeze the shoulder blades together at the top of the movement (B). Return slowly to the starting position.
Exercise 7: Military press
Target area: Shoulders
Accessories: Keiser machine
How many: Perform one set of 12 repetitions.
Execution: Adjust the seat so that the handles are slightly above shoulder height (A). Press the arms upwards without locking the elbows (B), then lower the arms until the handles reach ear level.
Exercise 8: Abdominal crunch
Target area: Abdominals
Accessories: Keiser machine
How many: Perform one set of 12 repetitions.
Execution: Adjust seat height so that the top of the chest pad is aligned with the collar bone (A). Press the upper torso forward with a range of motion of about 30° (B).
Compressed Air Machines: Quick and Efficient! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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