HYROX race: a global fitness trend!

December 1, 2023 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.
3 minutes
The RIG is a training station with a large metal structure that allows you to perform a wide range of functional exercises using weights, kettlebells, plates, and anchors for training accessories such as TRX, pull-up bars, punching bag, boat rope and more. Highly versatile, the RIG can be used for cross-training and functional training, working on both muscular and cardiovascular levels. Many possibilities for effective training circuits can be created!
It can be used for individual training and is very popular for supervised group training with a personal trainer. Not only are these classes motivating and enjoyable, they’re also a highly effective way to train in a whole new way.
Here’s a training circuit designed to introduce you to some of the exercises that can be performed with the RIG.
After a 5-minute warm-up to raise your body temperature and wake up your muscles and joints, start performing each of these exercises, taking a rest between each one. Repeat the circuit twice, for a total of three sets.
Beginner or intermediate? Allow yourself a rest time equivalent to your workout time, i.e., a 30-second workout equals a 30-second rest period. Advanced? Allow yourself less rest time than workout time, i.e., 40/45- second workout = a 15/20-second of rest period.
Keep your back straight and your abs tight.
Keep a tension at all times in the TRX straps.
Voluntarily bring your soulder blades together when arms are open.
Adjust the height of the platform to raise or lower the difficulty level.
Use a rubber band to support your movement and make it easier.
Adjust the load on the sled according to the desired objective.
Keep a slight flexion in your elbows when your arms are extended. Try to keep your shoulders away from your ears when bending.
Use the momentum of the squat on the rise in the shoulder press. Add a load to raise the difficulty level.
Slowly turn your torso from side to side.
Transfer the weight under the thigh, each time you lunge.
Take a one-minute break before resuming the circuit.
The RIG is a great addition to the various training platforms found in a gym like Nautilus Plus. It allows you to add variety to your weekly workouts. Still not sure how to perform the exercises? Feel like joining a group? Talk to a trainer/kinesiologist and find out about NPX (supervised group cross-training) and GES classes (supervised workout group) to suit your training goals. We offer a wide range of classes every week. Check out the schedule at your nearest Nautilus Plus location!
Discover the RIG with an effective training circuit is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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