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What to eat while hiking?

July 2, 2019 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

A hike can quickly become unpleasant if you do not provide enough energy to your body. To avoid this common mistake, here are some simple tips to guide you.


Before the hike

Avoid starting a hike on an empty stomach. Be sure to have a light meal at least 2 hours before the activity begins. The meal should provide carbohydrates and protein to give you enough energy. For more concrete examples: click here.


During the hike

My best tip for longer hikes is to eat small snacks, high in “simple” carbs about every hour. This keeps your energy stable and prevents fatigue. Do not wait until you feel hungry before eating. This seems counter intuitive, but during physical activity you will not feel hungry as if you were in the office.

I took the time to look at IGA grocery stores to find simple carbohydrates options that are easy to carry. The first option is to bring fresh fruit, otherwise there are also several dried fruit options like the Fruit Medley (apricots, plums and figs) and the Banana Bites.




I also recommend bringing a light meal if you plan a hike of more than 3 hours. This will of course depend on your last meal and your appetite. Normally, a meal every 4 hours is recommended to maintain your energy. Analyze the time between your last meal and your return from hiking and add a meal if needed. Personally, I find that a sandwich that contains a source of protein is easy to prepare and to transport. Avoid having a high fat meal, this makes digestion more difficult.

If your hike is longer than 3 hours, I suggest adding some protein and complex carbohydrates to your snacks. Here are some examples:

The protein bar Kronobar

kronobar performance

The hemp nutrition bars Bon vivantbon vivant snacks bar

Happy hike to all!

What to eat while hiking? is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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