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Five Practical Tips to Drink More Water

September 20, 2016 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

We all know the importance or proper hydration, yet, somehow we always seem to be unable to drink our daily recommended amount of water. I prepared a list of five practical tips to help you meet your needs: 12 cups (3 litres) for men, and 9 cups (2.25 litres) for women. Also, take note that all the liquids you drink (soup, milk, coffee, tea, juice) count towards that goal.

  1. Set yourself a realistic objective

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If you don’t usually drink water, start with something easy like drinking one or two cups of water at a specific time of the day.


For example: “This week, I will drink one cup of water each morning before breakfast, and another one before dinner.” Increase the quantity of water over time. This method will help you not give up so easily and increase your chances of success and staying motivated to integrate this habit on the long term.


  1. Buy a reusable bottle

Often, the real problem is that we simply forget to drink water. By keeping a bottle handy, you get more opportunities to drink. There are many types of bottles available on the market, and you get to pick the one that best suits your needs. Think about what types of liquid you’ll put in there, the type of cap you prefer, and how convenient the shape is; for example, does if fit easily into your purse?

Personally, I like S’well, because it keeps my beverages hot or cold, depending on what I want. I like my coffee hot in the morning, and then I can refill my bottle with water in the afternoon.water 2

If you work in an office building and tend to forget your bottle at home, buy a 1.5 l Naya bottle along the way, and drink all of it before you leave the office. If your job requires you to move frequently, buy a 500 ml format, and refill it throughout the day.

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  1. Use an app to help you drink more

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Keeping a log of the water you drink throughout the day can help you track your progress and stay motivated. “Waterlogged” and “iHydrate” are two free apps you may use for this purpose. They can also send you reminders to drink during the day.

Source: http://blog.eminence.tn/


  1. Stack up on tea and herbal tea

There’s a flavour of tea for everyone! After each meal, make it a habit to drink a warm cup of tea, or iced tea if you prefer. Stop by Camellia Sinensis or David’s Tea, where the staff will help you pick a tea that will tickle your taste buds! Trust me, you’ll buy at least two or three different flavours!


  1. Add flavour to your water!

You don’t like the taste of water? Use these flavour combinations to make it more enjoyable:

  • water 5Spearmint and cucumber;
  • Apple and strawberry;
  • Strawberry and basil;
  • Lime, lemon, or orange;
  • Watermelon and spearmint;
  • Frozen berries.





Create your own mix; there are no bad recipes!


By Alyssa Fontaine, P. Dt., nutritionist for Zero Diet

The Zero Diet brand is first and foremost the conviction that healthy eating is a primary factor to attaining a healthy weight and a balanced lifestyle. Thus, we offer nutrition counselling with nutritionists who are members of the OPDQ with our Zero Diet nutrition program in our centers and in companies. We have also developed a healthy frozen food product line that fulfills rigorous nutritional criteria as well as two healthy Zero Diet cookbooks.

Five Practical Tips to Drink More Water is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2016

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