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New: Nutrition Phone Consultation Service

March 30, 2016 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

It isn’t easy to change your eating habits and then stick with new ones. Three to six times a day, we have to decide how to nourish our body! So it is with great pleasure that I announce the launching of a new service of nutrition phone consultations at all Nautilus Plus locations.

The addition of phone consultations to our one-on-one consultations will provide you with more regular and affordable follow-up! The increased frequency of exchange with a nutritionist will make for better support. What’s more, smaller, more frequent goals will help tackle any motivation issues you may have so that you’ll achieve your ultimate aim more easily.

If one of the following situations sounds familiar, nutrition phone consultations could be a solution!

  • You lack motivation
  • You need support
  • Results are unsatisfactory for fat loss or muscle gain
  • You want to ramp up your performance in sports
  • Sticking to your new weight is tough
  • Changing your eating patterns is tough: cutting back on sugar, emotional eating…
  • You’re short on time, you’d like to be able to consult your nutritionist at work, on the lunch hour or during a coffee break to save time going back and forth to the gym
  • You live too far from a Nautilus Plus gym to be able to go frequently

Changing eating habits takes a lot of hard work and motivation, and it’s so easy to fall by the wayside. Talking to a nutritionist at least once a week will help you stay on track. This way you’ll be getting the support of a professional who understands your challenges and who will always get you back on course!

I’m confident that the support and motivation this new service provides will play a key role in your success.


Alyssa Fontaine, P.Dt.

New: Nutrition Phone Consultation Service is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2016

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