
Alexandre Despatie: an ambassador in perfect harmony with Nautilus Plus values!
Nautilus Plus is pleased to officially announce a strategic element of its 2022-2023 annual marketing campaign by unveiling an exceptional partnership that will certainly have Quebecers talking!
This year, for the first time, Nautilus Plus has chosen to entrust the mandate of ambassador to a former athlete who is a favorite of Quebecers, who saw him evolve on the small screen throughout his brilliant diving career: Alexandre Despatie! Known for his perseverance, determination and humility, he will be at the heart of the Nautilus Plus advertising campaign, which is a natural fit.
After leaving his training as a high-level athlete, he is now in his late thirties, ready to roll up his sleeves and take care of himself and his health. He wants to inspire Quebecers and encourage them to do the same by sharing his own training experience with Nautilus Plus health professionals, kinesiologists and nutritionists, all of whom are university trained.
Now working in the media as a host, speaker and spokesperson for sporting events, Alexandre is excited to start working with the professionals at Nautilus Plus. “Everyone has their own goals. Everyone has the right to aim for their own Olympics. And everyone should give themselves the best conditions to reach them. “To reach my new goals? I trust Nautilus Plus,” exclaimed Alexandre Despatie during his first meeting with Nautilus Plus senior management. This partnership underlines Alexandre’s real approach to getting back into shape in a healthy and sustainable way.
“I want to show what it’s like to train regularly and feel great and healthy. I want people to see how things are done at Nautilus Plus, everything they have to offer is incredible!” says Alexandre.
“It’s a unique opportunity for a 100% local company to partner with a Quebec Olympic medalist whose personality, character and values are so similar to ours! Alexandre is an accessible, authentic and friendly man with an exemplary professional and personal background. We are honored and proud to have him join us in encouraging all Quebecers to take care of their health, just like he did, and to trust a company that really cares about its members participating regularly, since attendance is the key to developing and integrating healthy lifestyle habits to ‘live more’,” says Martin Légaré, CEO of Nautilus Plus.
Welcome Alexandre!
Nautilus Plus Team

Updated Nautilus Plus mobile application
We are pleased to announce that the updated Nautilus Plus mobile application is now available. We invite you to download it now!
In addition to its new look, several improvements have been made to make it more modern and intuitive, while being adapted to the latest phone models. Allow yourself some time to become familiar with its new structure. In the meantime, here is some practical information.
You may need to log in again using the same username or email as before and your password. These have not changed.
Forgot your password? Go to, log in to your “Customer Account” in the “Log in” section, and you can reset your password.
Note that it is now possible to be connected with Apple Watch, Google Fit, Garmin, Oura, Withings, MyZone and Suunto.
Membership card
To display your membership card, you have two choices: 1- Lightly shake your cell phone and the card will be displayed automatically or 2- Click on the “Membership card” tile in the Menu tab.
Occupancy rate
To view the real time traffic rate of our clubs, click on the “Gyms” tile in the Menu tab. This is also where you can select your favorite club.
Group class registration
To register for your favorite group classes, click on the “Group Classes” tile in the Menu tab.
Your training programs are accessible in the Activities tab. Improvements in this section have been made to make it easier to track your workouts (timer, sound effects, workout history, etc.). If you have multiple programs, click on “See All” to see them all.
You can start your program in the new app in two ways: manual or automatic. Once you have started your session, we encourage you to use the automatic version by clicking on “Begin Session autoplay” at the top. In this mode, you will find a few tools at the bottom, including the percentage at the bottom right which gives you an overview of the entire program.
To find your favorite recipes from Ultime Fit, click on the “Recipes” tile in the Menu tab.
Do you have any questions about the new version of the application? Write to us at or, at the bottom of the application, in the Menu tab, you can consult the “? FAQ”.
Have a good discovery!
The Nautilus Plus team

The STEP+ Tour with Karine Larose
For the official release of her long-awaited new STEP+ program, Karine Larose will be touring many Nautilus Plus locations in March and April.
Click here for the complete schedule (in French).
Register now to participate in one of her classes.
Rediscover the STEP of the 90s with today’s training methods, under the guidance of none other than renowned kinesiologist Karine Larose. You will be able to follow one of the 4 sessions offered in the STEP+ program and work on your coordination, tone, cardio and posture using the Step!
Click here for a preview of the STEP+ program now available on the Ultime Fit online training and nutrition platform.
We look forward to seeing you at our facility!

Nautilus Plus will participate in the next “24h Tremblant”!
Nautilus Plus will participate in the next “24h Tremblant”!
Nautilus Plus is pleased to announce its participation in a major winter sports challenge…the 24h Tremblant! With none other than its ambassador, Alexandre Despatie, Nautilus Plus will be taking part in this event to raise money for children’s causes. Our team is sponsoring young Gabriel, learn more about him right here. We are calling on your generosity to reach our goal and contribute to this great cause!
Discover our dream team :
- Antoine Authier – Kinesiologist at Nautilus Plus Bois-Franc
- Sylvain Cyr – Vice-president
- Alexandre Despatie – Nautilus Plus Ambassador
- Marie-Josée Després – Vice-president
- Marie-Ève Fredette – Marketing and communications Coordinator
- Christine Hachez – Nautilus Plus Saint-Romuald Manager
- Pierre-Alexandre Hoff – Director of operations
- Josée Larocque – Nautilus Plus Longueuil Manager
- Karine Larose – Marketing and communications Director and kinesiologist
We are all touched, directly or indirectly, by children’s causes. It is incredibly heartening and gratifying to know that our efforts lead to concrete changes in their lives.
Thank you for your generosity, it is greatly appreciated!

5K, the new audio walking and running program!
Karine Larose presents her new running program, 5K!
After 8 weeks of training, Karine wants you to be able to run 5K continuously. This program is for people who are in good shape, who are used to training regularly, but who want to challenge themselves to start running.
Designed in collaboration with kinesiologist Simon Girard, this 2-month schedule program alternates 5 audio sessions of walking and running with video sessions from Karine’s 10 sur 10 program.
5 audio sessions available!
The five walking and running audio sessions, led by Karine Larose, vary in length (between 20 and 40 minutes) and intensity (low to intense). To learn more about the audio program, read the latest article by Karine Larose, right here!
As a bonus, a logbook to track your progress and stay motivated! All available exclusively on Ultime Fit!*
*Nautilus Plus members have a free access to the Ultime Fit platform.