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Online fitness workouts…are they a good idea?

September 27, 2018 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 4 minutes

There is no shortage of fitness workouts on the web. Whether they be to « Improve cardio », « Sculpt your arms », « Trim your tummy » or « Chisel your butt in only 10 minutes », the sheer quantity and variety to choose from can be overwhelming…and they’re free! Here’s the question. Should we opt for this sort of exercise regimen?

The risks

We won’t generalize, but one can safely say that a great number of programs graciously offered on the web were not created by kinesiologists or someone with a university education or degree in the field of physical activity. So, what difference does that make? Well, without sounding dramatic, the first thing one should consider is that a poorly designed workout, that is not suited to your physical condition, can cause muscular imbalances, irritate and even cause injury.

Furthermore, your efforts may all be in vain. When doing a bit of « something and nothing », you must be prepared to get a bit of « something and nothing » in return and when it comes to results, a bit of nothing equals a drop in motivation and a drop in motivation leads to throwing in the towel. We can’t have that!

Ask yourself the following questions

Far be it from me to discourage you from staying active. Make no mistake about it, ANY kind of physical activity is better than a sedentary lifestyle. However, should you wish to make some serious changes, reach optimal results and stay motivated, the quality of your fitness workouts becomes all-important. In short, in order to succeed, you must put all the chances on your side.

Here then are three things to think about when contemplating fitness workouts on the web :

  1. The credibility of the source : what are his/her qualifications? Is he/she a kinesiologist? *You must be certain of the qualifications and skills of the one who created the program or workout. A university training in the field of physical activity is always a sign of quality.
  2. The versatility of the program and exercises : Are the proposed exercises tailored to your physical condition? Can you modify both the intensity and the exercise itself?* This is why I would suggest you get a fitness evaluation by a qualified health professional in a well known fitness center. He/she will certainly be able to guide you as to which types of workouts are recommended and which should be avoided.
  3. Is the direction of the program in sync with your objectives? : Does the program itself (content, frequency, duration, intensity) meet your objectives and needs? Is the description clear, logical, realistic? Ideally, after your fitness evaluation, you should ask your kinesiologist to validate the content of the prescribed workout or program.

The web : a good complement to the gym!

In my experience, home workouts have never replaced the gym experience, however, they have always been an important addition. When I’m short on time, I would rather work out in my den than skip a workout entirely! 😉 Still, there’s nothing like the variety of equipment, the services offered, the knowledge and competence of the staff and the motivating atmosphere found at the gym. I get a feeling of confidence in having all the necessary tools at my disposal. Tools that will keep me coming back to the gym again and again.  Also, variety is key in staying motivated!

A sound investment coming to the web…UltimeFit.com

I’m thrilled to announce that a new online training platform will be introduced in the coming weeks. A training platform created by kinesiologists which will also include tasty recipes approved by nutritionists! In addition, you will have access to all my DVD workouts! You can therefore be assured of the quality of the product.

I invite you to visit www.ultimefit.com for an overview of the platform and to receive a promotional code that will entitle you to a $30 rebate on an annual membership. Oh, by the way, if you’re a Nautilus Plus member, you get free access to this platform. An important addition to your membership!

Online fitness workouts…are they a good idea? is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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