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Optimizing your eating habits while working from home

April 29, 2021 - By Véronique Plante

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Since March 13, 2020, we have experienced the closure of non-essential services, home schooling, working remotely, physical distancing, lockdowns, travel restrictions… and these are just a few of the factors that have been part of our daily lives for over a year. These health measures have forced us to change our lifestyle and, by the same token, our eating habits.

According to a survey conducted by the ASPQ (Association pour la Santé Publique du Québec), a quarter of Quebecers, mainly between the ages of 18 and 34, reported eating more fast-food while being less active. These alarming statistics indicate that food has been, and possibly still is, a source of comfort in our present context.


As we experience a 3rd wave of confinement, we suggest that you focus on the things you can control, such as your lifestyle choices. As health has never been more important, we encourage you to adopt any or all of these 5 nutritional strategies that can be beneficial during these trying times!

1. Organize your meals according to your personal tastes and restrictions

If you are working from the “hoffice” in addition to home schooling, it’s likely that a lack of energy at the end of the day has become a regular thing. Plan simple meals that everyone will enjoy and that will require very little prep time. Resources such as the 30-minute recipes that are featured on our I’m Taking Charge blog or on Ultime Fit can be lifesavers and, as always, the internet can be a great source of 30-minute meal ideas.

2. The importance of scheduling

Thanks to this pandemic and working from the “hoffice”, the pantry has never been more accessible as it’s been in the past year. Determine a clear routine for meals and snacks in order to maintain some structure. Drinking an herbal tea, chewing gum, or brushing your teeth are just a few ways to ward off the munchies when performing mundane tasks 😉!

3. Emotional snacking

The pandemic has put us on an emotional roller coaster. As a result, it can be tempting to turn to food for comfort. However, if this is a regular habit, try non-food solutions to channel your emotions. Writing, listening to music, meditating and walking can help…the important thing is to find strategies that make you feel good and that will allow you to vent!

4. Hydration

As we work from home, our physical activity has diminished, and it can become more difficult to feel the need to drink. Did you know that we lose between 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day, even when remaining sedentary? So, incorporate sparkling water, herbal teas or teas into your routine to spice up your fluid intake. Remember that optimal hydration greatly helps to limit energy loss and the urge to snack!

5. Highlight nutritious foods

Instead of leaving a box of chocolates or cookies lying around on the counter, replace them with a platter of fresh fruits or veggies. This will make healthy snacking more accessible, and your food choices will automatically improve.

So, how has this pandemic affected your eating habits? Do you have any tips to share with us? If you’d like more personalized advice that’s in tune with your reality, turn to the Nautilus Plus nutritionists who are working remotely and virtually to help you. 😊

Optimizing your eating habits while working from home is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2021

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