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Participants wanted for the I’m Taking Charge 3 challenge

May 17, 2013 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

You wish to lose weight? Here is your chance to do it with the help of experts, and succeed once and for all!

After the great success of last two editions of the I’m Taking Charge challenge, Nautilus Plus is proud to launch I’m Taking Charge 3. The main goal is to create amazing physical transformations within a timeframe of three months. During this period, the participants will be followed for free by a team of professionals, including a personal trainer and a nutritionist, and will get a chance to follow the GOLD Transform program.

What exactly is the challenge?

Being part of the I’m Taking Charge 3 challenge means:

  • making the commitment to train a minimum of 4 times a week in the Nautilus Plus center of your choice;
  • being present at the weekly meetings with your new personal trainer to ensure that your motivation is optimal and your training program is finely tuned according to your needs and objectives;
  • being present at the weekly meetings with your new nutritionist, who will review your current eating habits and make adjustments for a successful, healthy, and safe weight loss process;
  • applying the thoughtful advice of these experts to the letter;
  • being available for photo and video sessions;
  • being active on the social networks to share your experience;
  • finally, being motivated to rise up to the challenge!

At the end of the 90 days of exercising and healthy eating, a jury will determine which transformations are the most astonishing. The 39 candidates, each representing one of the Nautilus Plus clubs, will need to differentiate themselves to be chosen as one of the best transformations. Ultimately, the general public will vote to choose the best man transformation and the best woman transformation.

Fill the registration form online! You have access to the registration form on the blog’s welcome page.

Are you the candidate we need? Do you have the time and determination to succeed? If these few lines fueled your motivation, fill the registration form right now!

By Karine Larose ­­

Participants wanted for the I'm Taking Charge 3 challenge is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2013

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