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So your resolution is to get in shape… then what?

December 30, 2015 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 4 minutes

This year, do everything you possibly can to maintain your fitness goals. Even though your intentions are good, you know just as well as I do that those resolutions to start exercising and lose weight quickly go out the window when your regular routine starts to interfere. How can you maximise your chances of success? Here are three musts!


  1. Change your attitude!

Cultivate the attitude of an athlete rather than that of a sedentary person! In other words, stop making excuses, stop putting off your workouts, stop asking yourself if you feel like working out or not, stop blaming others and— get on with it! Visualize your goals and see how what you do each day either helps or hinders their achievement.

Rather than associate training with thoughts like “it’ll be too hot”, “I’ll get out of breath” or “I’ll be sore”, change your mind-set! Consider each workout session as a concrete way to enhance daily living while you get closer to your goals. It’s time you devote to yourself, time off from your hectic schedule, an effective way to reduce anxiety and stress. It’s also an excellent example you set for your kids to instil the importance of being active. It may be helpful to make a list of all the advantages of being fit, of the activities you could do if you were in better shape, of the specific goals you would like to reach, etc. Keep the list handy!

One thing’s for sure, staying in shape requires moving as much as possible, so why not make the process as pleasant as possible by adopting a positive attitude!


  1. Design a schedule you can stick to

Be realistic when it comes to the frequency and duration of your exercise sessions. Frequency means the number of times a week you train while duration refers to the time you devote to each session! You don’t have to train for a whole hour for the session to be worthwhile—30 minutes of consecutive exercise are quite adequate when you follow a structured physical exercise program that is tailored to your personal needs! As far as frequency goes, if you aim for 4 to 5 times a week, clearly select not only the days on which you’ll train, but also the time of day. Keep in mind that your schedule can change from one week to the next. So, ideally, you should create a reminder, in “Outlook” for example, so that every Sunday you are prompted to establish your training schedule for the upcoming week. Once you’ve written your exercise sessions in your agenda, stick to your plan without questioning it. Just do it! Here is a simple, effective tip: make a habit of getting your sports bag ready (clothes, towel, running shoes, water bottle) the night before each training day.


  1. Make sure you get results

Motivation has many sources, one of which is most definitely getting results! When you can see and feel concrete physical and psychological changes, it becomes easier to make the effort! Personalized supervision, for both training and nutrition, considerably increase the chances of obtaining results faster! So, if you’re going to make the effort, you might as well make it in the company of professionals who will guide you effectively. To help you, I have a foolproof program to suggest. It has proven successful and has generated exceptional physical and mental transformations! Once limited to a minority of persons, the I’M TAKING CHARGE SUPER CHALLENGE is now open to all. Everyone can register for the Challenge and do it on their own or under the supervision of a trainer and nutritionist.

And if the goal of your physical transformation isn’t enough, the person whose physical transformation is considered the best will be awarded $10,000!!! Go to www.nautilusplus.com/superchallenge for all details.

Wishing you a fit and healthy 2016!


Karine Larose, M.Sc.

So your resolution is to get in shape… then what? is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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