Nourish to Flourish

It’s time to take stock! What if we stopped for a moment, before the madness of the holidays, to do a review of 2024 and look ahead to 2025? Here are 10 questions I encourage you to ask yourself and, more importantly, be honest with your answers. By taking a moment to reflect, you give yourself the chance to take an honest look at yourself and evaluate the behaviours you adopt daily that influence different aspects of your health, including physical activity, diet and mental well-being.
Every little step you take makes a difference
The objective is not to make you feel guilty if the results seem unfavorable, but rather to give you a starting point for 2025. What’s more, the questions asked are designed to help you better understand what works for you, to become aware of the real place you give to healthy behaviours in your daily life. And then, to awaken you to concrete, realistic solutions to put into practice next year. So don’t judge yourself too harshly and be kind to yourself.
How important is training in your daily routine? For Nautilus Plus Boomerang members, how many rebates have you accumulated to date?
Do you recognize yourself in any of these excuses: lack of time, lack of motivation, lack of energy, lack of support, lack of structure? For each of the obstacles identified, what solutions could you put in place to overcome them?
What are your new fitness goals for 2025? How do you think a personal trainer could help you reach these new goals?
Do you wonder which choices would be most beneficial? How about your relationship with food? Could a meeting with a nutritionist help you better assess your nutritional situation?
Why did you decide to work out? Why did you decide to change certain eating habits? Have these reasons changed?
Are you familiar with the schedule and range of classes offered at your gym (group classes and sessions supervised by a personal trainer)? Is there a particular class that interests you and that could be easily integrated into your schedule?
Are there any tools you could put in place to help you manage your stress? Meditation, yoga classes, walks in the woods, etc.?
Is there a habit you’d like to adopt or break? Drinking more water, incorporating more vegetables, reducing your alcohol intake, paying more attention to your hunger and satiety signals?
Accomplish a new sporting challenge, try a new sport or simply finally succeed in a complex movement at the gym (pull-up, pistol squat or other). How could you raise the bar in 2025?
What motivates you to work out? Do you vary the content of your training sessions: strength training, stretching, cycling, group training, cardiovascular? Do you vary your training methods and equipment? Could the duration of your workouts be revised while remaining effective?
Now that you’ve completed your assessment, look at what has worked for you in 2024. Next, identify your priorities for 2025. Highlight the answers to the questions that seem like obvious goals for the coming year. Then describe as concretely as possible how you’re going to make sure you achieve them.
Keep in mind that the important thing is to progress, little by little, and to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve! Every little step you take makes a difference. Be proud of your big and small achievements. Keep this assessment form in a safe place, so you can refer to it time and again to monitor your progress and stay motivated.
Let’s start off strong in 2025!
Review of 2024: 10 questions to ask yourself is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2024
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