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Do you have what it takes to stay motivated?

February 19, 2019 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

It would seem that if you feel you are capable, autonomous, and well surrounded, your odds of staying motivated increase!

In an article recently published in « La Presse », they talk about how motivation is in part influenced by three fundamental things :

  • competence
  • autonomy
  • social connectivity

For example, consider a person who performs exercises which are adapted to their level of physical fitness (competence), who has access to the necessary equipment and adequate environment to perform the exercises (autonomy), and who feels inspired by or enjoys the company of the people around them (social connectivity), the three fundamentals of motivation are present…hello motivation!

Feeling autonomous and capable


This requires fixing realistic goals. When it comes to workouts and nutrition, this can mean determining the frequency and duration of the workouts according to your schedule and making small changes, one at a time, to your eating habits. This will ensure that your habits change slowly but surely. Setting realistic yet challenging goals is linked with self-confidence, motivation, and autonomy!


Connecting with others


Motivation increases particularly in interpersonal relationships, in that nutritionists, trainers and group exercise instructors all play a major role. Like athletes whose coaches are indispensable, we all need someone around us to listen to us and support us in our approach to self-improvement.

The right balance to achieve success

This is precisely why Nautilus Plus recently launched the AKTIV Program! This concept enables you to reach your goals effectively and at your own pace with the help of a personal trainer and a nutritionist. The goal is to progressively introduce sustainable healthy lifestyle habits.

The entire process is carried out in a fun atmosphere, taking into account the reality of your daily life : your family responsibilities, stress at work, your social life, etc. Our qualified and dynamic staff will definitely meet your individual needs so you can stay motivated and reach your objectives!


Reference :

La Presse Plus, February 15, 2019, « l’ADN de la motivation » by Marie Tison : http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/60096775-21f1-43b0-9fb2-aad7e4bdd2d8__7C___0.html

Do you have what it takes to stay motivated? is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2019

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