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The 30-minute workout to help out the fund = exceptional scientific advances!

September 26, 2013 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

On November 10 next, many of you will be taking part in the 6th edition of the 30-minute workout to help out the fund to financially support the UQÀM Research Chair for Cancer Prevention and Treatment. Through these gestures of support (aerobic exercise and monetary contribution), you will make it possible to discover phytochemical compounds (molecules found in various foods) with the therapeutic power to nip tumors in the bud, thus preventing them from progressing without any harmful side effects. Why is center the research on molecules in food? The reason is that among the risk factors for cancer, only 15% would be associated with heredity whereas 35% would be lifestyle-related and associated with diet.

The goal of the research is to gain a better understanding of the anticancer mechanism of these compounds. Our eating regimen could then be modified to integrate foods that are exceptional sources of anticancer molecules in an endeavor to counter the development of cancer and reduce the risk of relapse among patients in remission. The great originality of the research conducted by the Chair is in its huge potential to impact public health.

Over the last two years, the Chair’s research has allowed the following natural compounds to be characterized:

  1. Quercetin: a compound derived from flowers, fruits, and vegetables, like capers, citrus fruits, and onions.
  2. Resveratrol: a compound found in grapes and in red wine.
  3. Apigenin and luteolin: two compounds found in parsley, celery, and green pepper.
  4. Lupeol: a compound found in mangos, olives, and figs.
  5. EGCG: a major compound in green tea.

Your participation in the 30-minute workout to help out the fund and the 4 X 4 challenge will facilitate the continuation of the research into preventing and treating cancer, the number one cause of death among the active population.

Thank you for participating in great numbers in reducing the incidences and development of cancers.

For more information, please consult: http://www.30minutesafond.com/en/

Sign up at one of the Nautilus Plus locations.

By Karine Larose

The 30-minute workout to help out the fund = exceptional scientific advances! is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2013

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