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Vitamins to survive the fall season?

October 31, 2019 - By Maude Martinez

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Many of us truly enjoy the automn. The season of apple picking, pumpkin lattes and Halloween. On the flip side, the shorter days that come with it are not so pleasant. In order to avoid the blues and the lack of energy usually associated with the season, some are tempted to take dietary supplements. Are these necessary or will good nutrition suffice?

The priority : A balanced plate

Good nutrition is always the best way to ensure optimal health and energy. Here is why our good food consumption surpasses dietary supplements :

  • One single food contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants whereas a supplement focuses on just one.
  • Food is more affordable.
  • There’s far less risk of a nutrient excess with a balanced diet than with supplements

By the same token, these principles apply, regardless of the season :

  • Eat three balanced meals and snacks each day.
  • Listen to your hunger, which is a good indicator of a lack of energy.
  • Choose sources of unsaturated fats, such as nuts and grains, fatty fish and non-tropical vegetable oils.

Allies of good nutrition

Vitamin D

Vitamin D contributes to the health of your bones as well as your overall health. Your body makes vitamin D when direct sunlight converts a chemical in your skin into an active form of the vitamin. Therefore, in the gloomier fall and winter months, the risks of deficiency increase and it’s quite difficult to compensate through nutrition alone. As a matter of fact, important sources of vitamin D such as milk and dairy substitutes, fatty fish and egg yolks are seldom consumed in sufficient quantities.

The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 400 international units (IU) and 1000 IU depending on age and exposure to the sun. In order to determine which dose is appropriate for you, consult your physician or your nutritionist.

The case of Vitamin C against the Common Cold

Studies show that people who take vitamin C regularly can expect shorter colds by a scant 8% in adults and 14% in children, with slightly less severe symptoms.


In regards to dietary supplements in general, some more vulnerable groups may benefit, particularly vegans, seniors, pregnant women and those with a food allergy or intolerance.

When in doubt concerning dietary supplement intake, consult your Nautilus Plus nutritionist.


References :

Vitamins to survive the fall season? is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2019

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