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Would you like to contribute to a healthier, more fit Quebec?

November 1, 2023 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 4 minutes

The very first edition of the “Défi 150 minutes: c’est la CLE” will take place this November at Nautilus Plus! The aim of this activity is to raise funds for the new Nautilus Plus – Educational Leadership Chair in the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits (CLE), created by Université Laval’s Faculty of Medicine. And we are very proud of it!

A perfect fit

Over a year ago, we were approached by Université Laval’s Faculty of Medicine, which oversees the Department of Kinesiology, about the creation of this Chair. Nautilus Plus, has long valued university training for all its health and fitness professionals, saw this as a golden opportunity; to be associated with a cause that is close to our hearts and that continues to promote the well-being of society, of course we were going to jump at the opportunity!

Science has shown that healthy habits contribute to maintaining good health and preventing disease. However, the challenge remains to promote them as effectively as possible, with the aim of ensuring that as many Quebecers as possible adopt this behaviour!

The mission of this Chair, headed by Kadia St-Onge, is to provide a development hub for the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits, to train the advocates of change to champion their efforts towards making the change happen.

It’s a natural fit. With over 300 health professionals working in its facilities, Nautilus Plus has valued university-level training for all its personal trainers, kinesiologists, and nutritionists for decades. Their expertise gives them an undeniable level of knowledge and competence to offer professional and attentive support to help integrate healthy lifestyle habits in a sustainable way.

The valuable role of the kinesiologist

Kinesiologists are health professionals who use physical activity for prevention, treatment, and performance. They are the only health professionals who work on prevention rather than cure, and the only ones trained in the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits. By expanding their knowledge, we are helping to put in place the necessary means to enable everyone to adopt and maintain long-lasting healthy lifestyle habits.

Objectives of the CLÉ

More specifically, three main objectives are pursued with the CLÉ:

  1. Development of course content (for 1st and 2nd cycles);
  2. Mobilization and transfer of knowledge;
  3. The advancement of knowledge.

What is the ” DÉFI 150 minutes: C’est la CLE”?

This activity takes place at Nautilus Plus during the entire week of November 20, 2023, when we’ll have an OPEN-DOOR policy. Anyone and everyone are welcome to take part in the challenge!

The goal of the Individual Challenge is to complete 150 minutes of physical activity during the week, with the last 30 minutes completed on the official day of the challenge, Sunday November 26*.

If you opt for the Team Challenge, in teams of 3 to 5 people, the objective is to complete 150 minutes of physical activity per team member on the official day of the challenge, Sunday November 26*.

Why “150 minutes”? Because major organizations, including the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO), recommend at least 150 minutes of intense to moderate physical activity per week, in the best interests of health and well-being.

Why the “CLÉ”? Because it’s the acronym given to the Educational Leadership Chair (in French), which serves as the key to the development of pedagogical tools in a field that has been deemed a priority.

Where will your donations go?

By taking part in either the individual or team challenge, you’ll be contributing to a healthier, more fit Quebec with Nautilus Plus! Yes, because all profits will go directly to this new CLÉ and will be used to financially support the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits in our society.


Thank you in advance for your support, contribution, and participation to this event! We look forward to seeing you in our clubs during the week of November 20!

Together, let’s be active participants in making Quebec healthier, happier, and more fit!

*Exceptionally, the official day will take place on Monday, November 27, 2023, at the following Nautilus Plus centers: Place Montréal Trust, Place Victoria, Place Ville Marie and Berri-UQAM.

Would you like to contribute to a healthier, more fit Quebec? is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2023

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